Making the contents of a website editable for non-dev types used to be a mildly hard undertaking. It was a case of rolling your own admin system, with all the complications of awful WYSIWYG editors (TinyMCE I'm looking at you) and rolling your own auth, or installing Wordpress and a whole MySQL database on some VM somewhere. It was fine, but it took an AGE.
It's 2024, and we don't need that kind of pain. Welcome to a newer, better techstack:
Register a domain - you're a webdev, use your normal fave and add an A
record for Vercel's IP
~2-3 minutes
Add an empty project to your github account ~1 min
Use this SvelteKit repo as a starting point (run in Terminal): ~1-2 mins
git clone YOUR_PROJECT
cd your_project
git remote set-url origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main
npm install
npm run dev
Create a free account at Pullnote, jot down your api_key (and add some instant AI content if you like) ~1-2 min
Replace the api_key
in your /routes/+layout.server.js
~30 secs
Open in a browser to make sure it's all cooking with your content ~1 min
Setup a free Vercel account and point it at your github and domain ~3 minutes
Make a nice cup of tea ~5 minutes
*(plus, it's taken you 5 minutes to read this blog)
** And you got a cup of tea :)
Download the code for this blog from GitHub at